Books – Interview with ABS-CBN Europe

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Mystic Pinay writes book of dreams

By Patrick Camara Ropeta, ABS-CBN Europe News Bureau

Posted at Feb 23 2011 11:49 AM | Updated as of Feb 23 2011 07:49 PM

LONDON – A Filipina housewife from England has published a third book on the meaning of her dreams, as well as the contents of her diary from the last 40 years.

Laureana Cacho Sheppard, a 54-year-old housewife and dressmaker from Kent, claims to see visions of the future through her dreams, an ability she has developed since she was 13.

“I can’t explain how I know things, but I see things in my dreams,” said Sheppard. “I have seen the tsunami three months before it happened, the landslide in Leyte three months before it happened, and the flood in Iloilo. About a year ago I dreamed three times, and saw the cars floating in the city. I warned my family to pray and to prepare some food. I can’t explain it sometimes. I don’t fully understand my dream until it’s happened.”

She has written a third book about her experience, ‘The Messages of My Dreams’, which was self-published on December 2010.

“This book is about the messages of my dreams in which I receive visions,” she explained. “It’s my diary since 1969 until 2009. I kept this for a long time because I was scared. I was worried people will think it’s the devil’s work.”

Her experiences have been witnessed by her husband, Tony Sheppard, to whom she’s been married for the last 19 years. “My earliest experience of it was her being awake at 2 o’clock in the morning and all I could see was her writing her dream,” he recalled. “At the beginning it was quite eerie, but you have to understand. Once it was explained to me I was fully comfortable.”

He continued: “At first it was difficult for the family, but now they understand too. They’re very supportive, they understand, and it’s very interesting for all. I would never interfere with her work, but I support her fully. And just generally assisting to help the common goal.”

Sheppard wants to deliver a positive message through her book. “The message of this book is to trust God,” she said. “Believe he is the most powerful. Love him, and be honest. And also forgiveness.”

She added: “I will not expect everybody to believe me. But I saw in my dream that people are laughing at me, and that is the dream that gave me the confidence to spread this message.”

However, the Catholic Church has warned its followers to remain “cautious” of any claims of divine revelation.

“I will encourage you to be curious but cautious.” said Fr. Gideon Wagay of the Sacred Heart Church in London.

He added: “Always be cautious. We should not be easily led to believe that these are genuine revelations. Personally, the litmus test of a genuine revelation from God to private individuals is obedience to the authority of the church. If anyone claims to have these revelations, then they should see their local bishop and take it from there. There is a process of legitimizing these claims.”

Sheppard lives in Kent with her husband and two children. Originally from Iloilo in the Philippines, she lived in General Santos City before moving to Britain in 1994. She started writing in 2002 and has published three books about her dreams since 2006. She is currently working on a new book of poetry about cooking.

Read More:  book   Laureana Cacho Sheppard   The Messages of My Dreams  

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The Messages of my Dreams by Laureana Cacho Sheppard.

Dream Diary ISBN 978-1-908147-99-8

PRICE £10.99 plus P&P

On August 13th, 2006, the Virgin Mary appeared to me while I was among many people. She warned, “Get ready, a heat wave is coming.” Some believed me, while others were confused, unable to see her. As the heat wave approached, she guided us to safety. Each time we stopped, she urged me to “run quickly” until we reached a secure place. It felt like a long journey.

Once safe, the Virgin Mary appeared again, warning of heavy rain and floods. I tried to warn others, but they mocked me. Still, I led them to a white building in the mountains, as instructed by her. We knelt and prayed for salvation. Then, I witnessed catastrophic visions: wars, natural disasters, and famine. I saw a crucifix shedding tears, and when I asked why, the Holy Spirit said, “A big catastrophe is coming.”

I believe these events are just the beginning. Psalms 91 reminds us of God’s protection and peace. God bless everyone.