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Text Box: Palm Reading

Laurie’s Creations


Text Box: Laurie’s Creations
Text Box:

Send me a clear picture of your palms (left & right) from fingers & thumbs to bracelet lines.

I can read the lines on your palms and based on my intuition and psychic reading. Can give you more insights to help and guide you into your life’s journey.


You need to send me a picture as clear as possible of both of your palm,  from fingers to your wrist(bracelet lines).  Your finger must be spread apart  and you thumb must be open as wide as you can, to make an angle.  It is very important to relax your palm whilst taking the pictures and the lines must as clear .


You must send the pictures to me via either email  (laurie@lauriescreations.co.uk) or Facebook messenger Laureana Cacho Sheppard.  Once Ive accepted the pictures I will acknowledge you and explain the process.


Payments:  I accept PayPal Click the link below or if you have a UK bank account you can send  direct to my bank account.  Ask for details.























Some comments from clients.

Its actually a good reading .. how much do you charge then. Thank you . you lift my spirit . Im serious . I am kinda down so thank you so much. ok i'll share your post  about your palm reading.

From Edz Lyn ,UK


Ty Laureana Cacho Sheppard for your time, it's amazing how accurate you were.

from Caren Civalier Brown. NY,USA


Hi, good evening.haw super pasalamat gid ko tanan ginhambal mo 101% tanan2  tama gid tanan.  Salamat gid.sobra sobra salamat.

From Dolly Panes,  Hong Kong


Wow you're a nice palm reader. Thank you. I am happy and enjoy reading your palm reading. I will tell my friends and family about your palm reading.  From Laila Maria Perth, Western Australia


Super thank you. Your palm reading is superb! This is actually not a reading only but a wonderful  guide. It is also very inspiring what you have done for me, I am truly inspired. You gave me advices which I can keep with me in order to avoid what can be avoided. I will definitely share your goodness to others too. I thank you for being an angel to me! God Bless you and keep inspiring people.

From  Cris Adrian, Dubai


 I love it in regards to love life. You are very good at it.

From L..B Sanchez, Guam



Palm Reading

        UK Pounds                                            US Dollars                                                    

I look forward to hearing from you.



You can donate to Lauriescreations.  Below we have three buttons choose the

Currency you wish to donate in.  Either UK pounds, US dollars.


Click the appropriate donate button for you .  It takes you to a Paypal page

Where you can donate to Laurie's palm reading.


Type in the amount you want to send.


Then chose how to pay, either via Paypal or you can donate by card.


Right hand

Send me a picture just like this.




Palm Reading

One Palm


Palm Reading

Two Palms


Palm Reading & spiritual guidance

Two Palms
